Winners of the Quarantine Contest
Quarantine Contest was a challenge created for our international students and it gave them the opportunity to present how they cope with the current situation related to the COVID-19 governemental restrictions.
Firstly, we would like to thank all of the students that sent us their contributions. We appreciate the time and effort you have put into your videos. As it was stated in terms and conditions of our contest, the jury went through all of the footage and finally decided who deserves to win our main prices, which were 2000,- CZK for the first place, 1000,- CZK for the second place, and a small gift in the form of promotional material from the FF UHK for the third place. And you can trust us, that it was not an easy task, but the final decision of our jury is the following::
1st place Paola (Ecuador)
2nd place Salifya (Zambia)
3rd place Obed (Nicaragua)
Congratulations to all of you!
And for the rest of you, here you can see a short compilation of our winners: