Department of Political Science

The Department of Political Science provides high quality education in core political science disciplines, enables students to engage in stimulating discussions about all matters relating to politics and make use of a wide array of possibilities to study abroad.

Information for current students.

Information for prospective students.

In addition to basic and advanced courses in comparative political systems, party politics, international relations and modern history, students can choose from a large number of optional courses. These are supervised by both our staff members and a number of visiting professors from foreign institutions (mainly Europe, Latin America and Africa), and the courses are topic-specific or focus on particular area. Our Bachelor’s programme focuses on a general introduction to the discipline of political science. The Master’s programmes are devoted to African and Latin American studies, providing in-depth knowledge of politics and societies in those regions. Focusing on the same geographic areas, the most advanced students can continue further in our doctoral degree programme. The faculty is staffed by experienced lecturers, who continually demonstrate their academic excellence and enjoy sharing their first-hand experience with several foreign countries. 

The Bachelor's courses cover all major areas of Political Science, such as political systems, political thinking, international relations or European integration issues. Students can also attend introductory subjects focused on non-European areas in several optional courses.

The follow-up Master's degree in Political Science, with a specific focus on either African studies or Latin American studies, offers a unique opportunity to acquire Political Science education focused on essential non-European regions. The courses of a common basis for both study fields include geopolitics, anthropology, conflict solutions, theories of undemocratic regimes, etc. Besides, both fields of study focus on gaining distinctive knowledge associated with each region.

The doctoral degree again focuses on the regions of Africa and Latin America, especially on issues of comparative research of the given territories with the aim to apply theoretical knowledge of particular areas of research in Political Science to Africa or Latin America. 

At the African section of the Department the magazine titled Modern Africa: History, Politics and Society has been published.  

The Department of Political Science has organized several vital conferences, both at the national and international level. The most significant conference involvement of the Department is undoubtedly the organisation of the international conference Viva Africa, which is currently the only Africanist conference, which takes place in the Czech Republic and also in all Visegrad countries.

In addition to traditional study exchange stays (mobilities) within the Erasmus Programme, the Department highlights the participation of the follow-up Master's courses students in the studies at international universities in the given areas, i.e. in Latin America and Africa. It enables them to obtain real experience in the studied territory and replenish knowledge of graduates. The Department has established cooperation with universities in Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Ghana and Cape Verde.

The Department of Political Science also cooperates with the Veba Broumov Company, whose export is largely directed to African countries. The cooperation mainly consists of the management and staff training in the field of African studies and social-cultural practices on the one hand, and processing of the assigned topics in the framework of the final student theses.

Bachelor's Degree

Introduction to the Field of Study 

All the main areas of Political Science are lectured within the Bachelor's degree at the Department of Political Science, Philosophical Faculty, UHK. These concern political systems, which include election and electoral systems, political parties, and the analysis of the functioning of political systems in Western, Central and Eastern European countries, as well as political thinking, international relations and European integration issues. In order to grasp Political Science disciplines in context and to interconnect the acquired knowledge, the concept of studies at our faculty also includes courses in Modern Czechoslovak and European History and economic subjects. The programme also includes teaching English because without its knowledge it is not conceivable to comprehend professional literature throughout the studies and furthermore fully apply acquired skills and knowledge in future employment. Over the course of studies, teachers stress the development of analytical, synthetic and argumentative abilities among students. The significant part of the study programme consists of the optional courses, which can be selected by proper students of the Department from the wide range of the course listing. These courses complete the study programme in every semester.

Follow-up Master's Programme - African Studies

Introduction to the Field of Study

The follow-up Master's degree in Political Science, specialised in African Studies offers a unique opportunity to acquire education in the field of Political Science, focused on the fundamental non-European region. There is an increase in the interest in the African issues and their problem-solving. The Department of Political Science, Philosophical Faculty, UHK is the first institution of Political Science studies in the Czech Republic, which tries to fill the "gap" in the educational market, focusing excessively on the Euro-Atlantic area. Being aimed at the particular features of the political systems and the international political position of the African countries enable students to represent an extraordinary opportunity, deepen their previous knowledge and gain a comprehensive view on the issues. The common base of the field of study which consists of a set of compulsory courses, largely common in the field of Political Science – Latin American studies, provides students with orientation not only towards the field of classical Political Science disciplines, such as electoral or party systems, theory of undemocratic regimes, etc., but it also includes relevant economic, cultural, geographical or anthropological context. The essential advantage of the follow-up Master's programme is also the offer of both, full-time or combined study forms.

Graduate Profile

Due to the interdisciplinary approach, the graduate will acquire a comprehensive Social Science education related to Africa in addition to Political Science horizons. Students will be capable of analysing political issues in particular states or regions and also synthetically interconnect them in the context of historical and social development, which will facilitate a better and more in-depth understanding of the issue. The standard part of the study consists of spending a semester financed by our faculty at offered universities in Africa (e.g. universities in Ghana, Cameroon, South Africa or Cape Verde) and other prestigious universities (e.g. in Sweden or the USA), which deal with African issues. Students gain not only exceptional language skills, knowledge or unique contacts but also a singular experience, which enhance their CV.

Due to the specificity of this field represented not only in the Czech Republic but also in neighbouring countries, graduates will have the opportunity to be employed in the extensive European area, in various organisations, companies or institutions focused on cooperation with the African area which represents a very promising and fast-growing market. Many governmental or non-governmental organisations are concerned about the issue and problem-solving of the so-called developing countries where graduates can also employ their experience. These organisations create many new projects, agencies and committees, which concentrate specifically on issues of developing countries. Graduates can find employment in the state sphere or at ministries, whose agendas turn attention to this area. An essential platform for graduates' employment is also the mass media, which due to the increasing relevance of the African region, needs experts and analysts capable of defining specific issues related to the area and subsequently offer solutions. Furthermore, it is highly probable that the lack of exploration of these areas in the Czech academic environment will arouse the interest of many Master's graduates in studying mentioned issues in the framework of follow-up doctoral degrees.

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