TRARCHER Cooperative Partnership
The project aims at developing and implementing an innovative, immersive and participatory curriculum built on a transdisciplinary approach to archaeological heritage. Such an endeavour will require a wide range of experts in varied disciplines (archaeology, history, art history, anthropology, sociology, applied IT and natural sciences, business management), while sharing a common transdisciplinary goal.
The project's main outcome is the development of a student-centred curriculum that will be based on transnational and transdisciplinary approaches and on applying innovative teaching methods that enable to better meet students' learning needs while also improving their chances on the ever-developing labour market. This is further supported by strong reliance on IT digital tools, which incorporate flexible learning modes into the curriculum, mostly by involving an online platform that will be used for effective and more inclusive education of the students in the field of archaeology heritage and its management. Thanks to the number of workshops involved in the project, it will also be possible to implement researchbased learning practices and use the feedback from students, academics and stakeholders to further develop them for the future purposes of the project result.
Project's name: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Archaeological Heritage
Project's number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000088039
Coordinator: University of Hradec Králové
Partners: University of Burgundy
University of Zagreb