
a) Study and Applicant

Basic information about the field of study 

  • Degree: Master
  • Form: Daily/full-time study
  • Study programme: Philosophy
  • Study duration: 2 years
  • Language: English
  • Intake: September/February
  • Application DeadlineSeptember 30, for start in Summer Term (start of studies in February); March 31, for start in Winter Term (start of studies in September)
  • Tuition Fees: € 1500 per semester, i.e. € 3000 per academic year

In case of good study results a scholarship of € 1500,- per semester is available.

Study contents

This programme aims to prepare qualified specialists in the field of contemporary philosophy with a focus on philosophy in the social sciences.

Philosophy is not conceived as an isolated discipline but as a discipline in a dialogue with the findings of the social sciences (and some natural sciences), especially sociology, cultural and social anthropology, political science, cognitive science etc.

Students are well oriented in international philosophical discussions and will understand international developments of philosophical issues. The Philosophical Faculty’s strength lies in core areas of analytic philosophy, especially the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language.

What you can study

  • Philosophy of Language
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Political Philosophy
  • Philosophical Anthropology
  • Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
  • Philosophy of the Social Sciences


Career prospects

Philosophy leaves students with abilities applicable to a remarkably broad range of career endeavors.

Transferable skills include rigorous critical thinking; the ability to understand, interpret and analyze texts; and reasoning and argumentation in both written and verbal forms.

Graduates are professionally and linguistically fully prepared to work in public institutions, business management, non-governmental organizations, and the media.

How to apply?

By filling in the application form with attachments. Obligatory attachments include:

  • A verified copy of the bachelor degree diploma in English (in Philosophy or related disciplines).*
  • A transcript/supplement proving the content and the scope of the previous bachelor studies.*
  • A structured CV.
  • A copy of passport.
  • A letter of motivation – explaining why the applicant wishes to study the Philosophy field of study, which philosophical topics he/she has been studying, the thematic areas he/she is interested in.
  • A confirmation of language skills necessary to study in the English language (e.g. a university examination, an internationally valid certificate). If the applicant has previously completed university education in the English language, no confirmation is required.

* The authenticity of these documents has to be verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the foreign country and by the Czech embassy (or obtained with apostille). The documents are objected to comparison to the Czech education system – more information here.


The admission procedure also includes an obligatory oral interview, which will test the linguistic as well as the specialized prerequisites for study, and also the applicant‘s knowledge of basics of western philosophy (analytic philosophy, phenomenology, ...), epistemology, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of science and anthropology. The interview will be conducted in a distance form via a video call over Skype (or another similar application) in the presence of at least two members of the admission committee.

It is highly recommended to submit the application before the deadline (it can be evaluated in advance).

 The application with the required attachments must be sent electronically to the e-mail address

Students taking the state exam by January 2026 can choose between the old and new set of questions.

Questions for the state final exams - old set of questions

Questions for the state final exams - new set of questions



About study programme 

The Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové offers a PhD Degree which may be pursued in full-time study. The PhD programme is designed for students who have obtained a Master´s Degree in Philosophy and related study disciplines. 


Basic information about the filed of study 

Study programme: Philosophy

Study field: Philosophy

Study duration: 4 years

Tuition language: English

Daily/ Full-time study

Type of study: PhD

Tuition start: Every September/ February

Tuition fees:  € 1 500,- per semester, i.e. €  3 000,- per academic year.


What are Philosophy studies about? 

The PhD study in Philosophy aims to provide a high-quality education and research training in the field of contemporary philosophy, with special focus on the philosophy of social sciences. The PhD study is designed for students with a Master´s Degree in Philosophy or related disciplines. 



The graduates will be professionally and also linguistically fully prepared for independent scientific research and teaching, for work in public institutions, media, non-governmental organizations. 


!!! Financial terms for studying in the English doctoral programme Philosophy

A privately paying PhD student pays € 3,000 per year, which may be divided into a maximum of two instalments (the first instalment of at least € 1,500 to be paid by the end of November, the other instalment to be paid by the end of March at the latest). Under certain conditions it is possible to gain entitlement to a monthly scholarship of € 430.


These conditions are as follows:

- For the first study term: the applicant must be accepted and enrolled in a study programme and the Branch Board must assess the PhD thesis project as the best or second best from all approved projects (only 2 applicants every year gain a scholarship).

- For the second study term: by the end of January of the respective academic year at the latest, the PhD student must submit his or her individual study plan (ISP), comprising the time schedule of the performance of examinations, credits and publication activity.

- For each further study term: It is necessary for the PhD student to comply with his or her own ISP. This compliance is regularly monitored by the Branch Board.

- An essential condition for maintaining the scholarship is also activity in favour of the parent department and faculty (e.g. participation in conferences, teaching etc.).

For more information contact the coordinator of PhD studies in Philosophy:

doc. Mgr. Ladislav Koreň, Ph.D.

Department of Philosophy and Social Science

The documents to be attached to the application:

  •  an attested copy of the certificate/diploma nostrification (in exceptional cases on the date of study enrolment at the latest). More about the recognition of certificates and diplomas HERE.
  • a structured CV
  • at least 2 references/recommendations from the university of graduation – applies only to external applicants
  • a research project proposal at the extent of approx. 4-5 standard pages – the project must include - the specification of the topic and objectives of the work, the theoretical frame, methods of elaboration and the list of related literature
  • a confirmation of language proficiency (certificates etc.) and of prospective publication activity

Deadline for application:

  • September 30, for start in Summer Term (start of studies in February)
  • March 31, for start in Winter Term (start of studies in September)


The application with the required attachments must be sent electronically to the e-mail address

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