Guidelines for authors


The contribution corresponds with its content to the thematic focus of the conference. The editor reserves the rights not to include the contribution that does not correspond to this condition, into the conference book.

Date for submission 
The paper needs to be submit by 19th September 2024. To review will be accepted only papers presented on conference.
Send to e-mail:


Title - max. 100 characters or it can contain a subtitle
Title in English language

Footnote at the end of the text title in case that the contribution is supported by a grant (a link to the number of a grant and a granted agency).
Footnote at the end of the text title in case that the contribution is supported by a grant (a link to number of a grant and a granted agency in English language).

Name and surname of an author or co-authors (not shortened, without a degree).
Contact data (in the footnote) – for further correspondence (name and surname of the authors incl. degree, name of the workplace (incl. further certain organization units; e.g. university name – faculty name – department name etc.), institution address, telephone contact (not obligatory), an e-mail address)

Abstract - a brief characteristic of the contribution (topic, problem solved, aim); within 500–1200 characters (including spaces)
Abstract in English language 

Key words
 – max. 5, max. two-word combination
Key words in English language

The text: the contribution is divided into chapter; it contains a foreword, chapters and conclusion. The total length of the paper should not exceed 21 600 characters (incl. spaces).

The list of cited literature
The quote by ČSN ISO 690 only used literature. The list is sorted alphabetically according to authors ‘surnames and does not number.

Example of a monograph citation:
AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Initial. Full title of work in original language. Place of publishing: Publisher, publishing year. ISBN. 

Example of chapter citation of one author from the conference book or a monograph:
CHAPTER AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Initial. Full title of a chapter. In EDITOR¨S NAME OF THE CONFERENCE BOOK, Initial. Full title of the conference book or a monograph.  Place of publishing: Publisher, publishing year, pg. 20-30. ISBN. 

Citation from a journal:
CHAPTER AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Initial. Full name of an article, Journal´s title, publishing year, Vol. X (year), No. Y (number), pg. (pages). ISSN.


Further Guidelines

For writing the paper use Times New Roman font, size 12 pts., style Normal, spacing 1, page margins 25 mm, alignment of the text in the block. Do not use automatic page numbering. Figures, tables, and graphs (etc.) are a part of the text and are not sent separately. The notes should be placed in the footnote section, numbered continuously by Arabic numbers (in the superscript format), usually at the end of a sentence (in case that it is not clear where the note belongs to and what sentence to therefore it is allowed to add a number note to the appropriate place in the text). The literature references are listed in the text with brackets. The bracket should contain the author´s surname, publishing year, in case of a direct quote also appropriate page (e.g. Úlehla, 1995: 18).

The chapter´s headlines are written in bold, placed on the left of the text, the headlines of the subchapters are written in bold italics. The first lines of the paragraphs are not offset from the edge. There is a space between each paragraph 6 pts. behind the text.

The paper in the Word format “doc“ or “docx“ is due to be proceeded.

The authors themselves are responsible for the appropriate language level of the paper. Possible any small stylistic changes of the texts can be made without any notice of their authors.

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