Science and Research
Research fields
The Institute of History is primarily focused on these research fields:
- Czech and Central European late medieval society (Hussite movement and Bohemian Reformation)
- Czech and Central European early modern history of nobility and towns
- urban history
- Central European and global history of the 19th and the 20th century (gender, political, social and cultural history of Czech lands)
- military history
- communism in Czechoslovakia (Prague Spring 1968)
- Czech historiography in the 19th and the 20th century
- didactics of history
In the last years, the members of the Institute of History participated in several significant research projects funded by GAČR (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic):
- Jiří Hutečka: Urban Community at War: Olomouc/Olmütz as a Case Study of the First World War Home Front, 1914-1919
- Dana Musilová: Women in Czech and Czechoslovak science and scholarship in the first half of the 20th century
- Veronika Středová: Modern Tendencies in European Historiography and Their Parallels and Reflections in the Works of the Czech Historian František Kutnar
- Dana Musilová: Women Labour and Modern Society in the Czech Lands
- Jiří Hutečka: War and Military Masculinities in Czech Society, 1914-1938
- Veronika Středová: Structuralism in the Czech Historical Thought
The institute of History is also involved in the project within the Development of National and Cultural Identity Programmes (NAKI II, NAKI III) of the Czech Ministry of Culture:
- Historical Spa Towns as a Cultural, Urbanistic and Landscape phenomenon (2023-2027)
Museum of Eastern Bohemia (principal investigator Petr Grulich) a Institute of History of Czech Academy of Sciences (co-investigator: Robert Šimůnek). Co-investigator from the Institute of History FF UHK: Jana Vojtíšková - Dowry towns of Czech Queens (2018-2022)
(principal investigator Petr Grulich) together with Institute of History of Czech Academy of Sciences (co-investigator: Josef Žemlička) and Faculty of IT ČVUT (co-investigator Jiří Chludil).
The Institute of History is the principal institution in the international research project Erasmus Plus Cooperative Partnership Enhancing Quality Teaching of Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education for 21+, with partners from Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) and Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa (Slovakia).
The institute of History also co-realized the project The Secret of Underground Complexes in Democracy and Dictatorship in the Czech-Polish Borderland funded by the International Visegrad Fund.
Czech-Polish cooperation has a long tradition at the Historical Institute, especially in the research of the Kladsko region. This direction of research has been supported by two international scientific research projects in the past.
Research centres

Dvory a rezidence v proměnách času - František Záruba, Dana Dvořáčková-Malá, Jan Zelenka a kolektiv
The collective monograph is published on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the activity of the Dvory and Residence Research Centre in the Middle Ages at the Historical Institute of the CAS (2013–2023). In cooperation with leading domestic historians and historians, it presents court research in the Czech lands in more than three decades of intensive research (1989–2022). The authors map the period from the early Middle Ages to the 18th century, in other words to the threshold of the Enlightenment. The publication is divided into three main chapters (Sources and Methodology, Space and Time, and People and Territories), in which historiographic results and methodological problems of court research are presented (e.g. in questions of the testimony of sources, ceremonial acts, residential residences or the role of aristocracy, families and families, or education and clergy).

Hrady doby přemyslovské I. - František Záruba
In the context of interdisciplinary castellal research, the castles of the Přemyslid era represent the most interesting chapter in the history of castle architecture. Not only in the Czech Republic, but also in the whole of Europe. Dr. Záruba first summarizes the current state of knowledge of the castles of the Czech Middle Ages: he dedicated the first volume to the royal castles, the seats of the bishop and Cheb.

Alexios I Komnenos in the Balkans, 1081-1095 - Marek Meško
Mgr. Marek Meško, PhD. from the Historical Institute of FF UHK became the author of the title "Alexios I Komnenos in the Balkans, 1081-1095", which examines the military strategy of Alexios I. Komnenos in the Balkans during the crucial first fourteen years of his reign and provides a synthesis of three campaigns and an assessment of the military strength of Byzantium.

Věnná města českých královen
Beran, Zdeněk – Grulich, Petr – Musil, František – Polehla, Petr – Semotanová, Eva –Šandera, Martin – Vojtíšek, Jan – Vojtíšková, Jana – Žemlička, Josef, Věnná města českých královen, Praha: Historický ústav AV ČR, 2022.

Atlas of the Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens
Semotanová, Eva – Vojtíšková, Jana – Grulich, Petr – Beran, Zdeněk – Bláha, Radek – Vojtíšek, Jan et alii, Atlas of the Dowry Towns of Bohemian Queens, Prague: Institute of History Czech Academy of Sciences, 2022.

Men under Fire. Motivation, Morale and Masculinity among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914–1918
Hutečka, Jiří, Men under Fire. Motivation, Morale and Masculinity among Czech Soldiers in the Great War, 1914–1918, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2020.

Paramilitarism in the Balkans. The Cases of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania, 1917–1924
Tasić, Dmitar, Paramilitarism in the Balkans. The Cases of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Albania, 1917–1924, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Mýtus republiky. Identita a politický diskurz raně novověké polské šlechty
Květina, Jan, Mýtus republiky. Identita a politický diskurz raně novověké polské šlechty, Hradec Králové: Pavel Mervart, 2020.

Nezbytná, osvobozující, pomlouvaná. O ženské práci
Bahenská, Marie – Heczková, Libuše – Musilová, Dana, Nezbytná, osvobozující, pomlouvaná. O ženské práci, České Budějovice: Veduta, 2017.

Jindřich starší z Minsterberka. Syn husitského krále. Velký hráč s nízkými kartami
Šandera, Martin, Jindřich starší z Minsterberka. Syn husitského krále. Velký hráč s nízkými kartami, Praha: Vyšehrad, 2016.
E-shop of the Philosophical Faculty of UHK
Annual conferences
Journal Historia Aperta
The Institute publishes the scientific journal Historia Aperta indexed in the ERIH Plus database. The magazine also has its own website.
International cooperation
Double Degree with the University of Konštantín Philosopher in Nitra (Slovakia)
The Historical Institute offers a unique possibility of double study of the follow-up Master's degree in History in cooperation with the Slovak University of Konstantin the Philosopher. The study is two years with a mandatory annual trip to Slovakia. The successful graduate then receives two diplomas. It is an ideal opportunity for expanding the Central European scope or processing "Czechoslovak" topics for young historians.
Visiting professors
The Institute welcomed 13 visiting scholars in years 2015–2022 from several countries such as Austria (Birgitta Bader-Zaar, Karin Moser, Rutger Krammer, Oliver Kühschelm, Therese Garstenauer), USA (Gene Terruso, Rebeca Shriver), Serbia (Stipica Grgić, Dmitar Tasić), Russia (Ekaterina Klimenko), Ireland (John Paul Newman), Cyprus (Iakovos Menelaou) and Great Britain (Spyros Tsoutsoumpis).
Memorandum: Institute of History FF UHK and Balkan History Association
Since 2022, the Institute collaborates with the Department of Urbanism and Land Planning of the School of Architecture of Barcelona, Politechnic University of Catalonia.
Rigorous, Habilitation and Professorship Procedures
The Institute of History of the Philosophical Faculty offers candidates the opportunity to start the rigorous, habilitation and professorship procedures at the Philosophical Faculty in the historical fields.
The Institute of History of the Philosophical Faculty, UHK has the right to carry out the rigorous procedure in the study programme of Historical Sciences, the Field of History. Graduates of the follow-up Master's degree programmes may apply for: Historical Sciences, Teacher Training for Secondary Schools – Specialisation in History, Teacher Training for Primary Schools - Specialisation in History. A graduate of the rigorous procedure obtains the title of Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated PhDr. placed before the science.
The procedure takes place before the rigorous commission.
Chairwoman of the rigorous commission: prof. PhDr. Dana Musilová, CSc. (Institute of History, Philosophical Faculty, UHK)
Contact person:
k: doc. PhDr. Veronika Středová, Ph.D.
t: (+420) 493 331 257
a: nám. Svobody 331/2, 50002 Hradec Králové (B building, 2nd floor);
Postal address: Historický ústav Filozofické fakulty UHK, Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové
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